Neema Vedadi launches new TV news empire


Neema Vedadi launches new TV news empire…It’s called Angry Peasant Podcasting company, and it’s a subsidiary of the Freedom Feens new Angry Peasant Media Empire.

When Neema was about to leave his day job being a mouthpiece of horizontal enforcement for NBC and ABC TV news in Wyoming and Washington, he told me he wanted to get a good camera and produce his own anarcho-capitalist TV news instead. Well, he just did his first one. And it’s WONDERFUL!

Neema’s very well produced coverage of the recent Austin Molon Labe anti-State pro-gun rally not only has truth (unlike the “news”), but this looks and sounds better than the news. Well done, Neema!

I dig the irony of Sheriff Mack ordering us to disobey orders. Sums up my whole problem with him and his ilk. He thinks he’s being motivational and “tough love”, I think he’s acting like the State. He’s “one of the good ones” as far as statists go, but it doesn’t really work for me anymore.

This is a great thing for Neema to do, he does it well, and it’s wonderful that it launched on the day of Obama’s second coronation. Made this day a lot better for me.

I love that Neema signs off as “for the Freedom Feens.” Like we’re a media empire. We are on our way.

–Michael W. Dean


Transcript for Closed Captioning, and Feens “teaching hospital” lessons:

NEEMA STANDUP: “Self defense activists gathered in front of the capitol building to tell the state ‘we’re not giving out guns up, Molon labe, come and take ‘em bitch”

NAT (SHERIFF MACK): “From my cold, dead fingers”

Former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack makes a living telling people that local sheriffs and other local officials should be fighting back federal tyranny. He knows how to work a crowd.

NAT (SHERIFF MACK): “gun control and infringements are against the law”

Mack refers to the constitutional law of the land, and if state reps from places like Texas and Wyoming get their way federal enforcement of new gun control would also be against state law.

Also on board with fighting the feds on gun control are those that point to natural law.

SOT (ANTONIO BUEHLER): “I like the crowd a lot more that the speakers. There’s too many politicians speaking, but the crowd is good.”

Antonio Buehler wants to keep the government’s hands off of more than just guns

SOT (ANTONIO BUEHLER): “you’re either for liberty or you’re for tyranny. So you can’t honestly sit there and say ‘the government has no right to touch my guns, but at the same time I’m cool with that same government in the middle of the night kicking in doors and pulling people out and arresting them for having smoked marijuana”

The gun issue is a family values issue for some. A young man named Eric told me he’s worried a new ban on magazine capacity might label a family heirloom, his grandpa’s 6 shell capacity shotgun, as contraband.

SOT (“ERIC”): It was the first gun I ever held. I remember the first time I held it I was nine years old, my father had brought it home from my grandfather’s. It makes me angry that I won’t be able to share that with my future family if this ban happens.”

An infringement he expects the 2nd amendment to protect against.

REPORTER QUESTION (NEEMA): It seems like the federal government has been stepping on the constitution for decades and decades now, at what point do we give up on the idea that the constitution can actually limit those in Washington DC

SOT (SHERIFF MACK): Well, I’m never gonna give up on the constitution. I’m never going to. And I believe there’s still a solution to this and we take back America and we restore the constitution county by county and state by state. We work at the local lever to build the barriers.

Still, freedom feens like Frank Vedadi say the concept of the state itself is the root of the problem.

SOT (FRANK VEDADI): “No. Smaller government is just as ineffective as big government. It doesn’t matter the scale, it’s the institution that’s immoral and ineffective.

STAND UP (NEEMA VEDADI): “It mostly seemed to be preaching to the choir and people having various minarchist vs anarchist debates, constitutionalist vs non-constitutionalist, natural rights debates. There wasn’t really any gun grabbers in the crowd or people to direct that argument to. There was one woman walking around saying things like “this is one overblown testosterone festival” That’s all I heard her say I also imagine she made a few small penis jokes.

But nationwide the arguments are heated. With gun grabbers and gun clingers both worried about where this is headed.

SOT (SCOTT LEE): “I’m a little terrified that people will probably yell a lot and then turn over their high capacity magazines if such a thing were to occur. I personally don’t plan on doing that

SOT (SHERIFF MACK): “I’m not a Sheriff anymore, but I’ll still exercise a little bit of authority because I was. As an American and as a former sheriff, I order you, everyone of you, no matter what happens, never disarm and never give up your implements of freedom. If you give those over to the government you are giving up your freedom and your liberty. Never disarm and never register your weapons ever.”

A call to civil disobedience. But some, or if viewed differently a general withdrawal of the consent to be governed externally.

SOT (SCOTT LEE): “It doesn’t really make a difference to me honestly. I think that what people need to do is they need to learn how to live independently of what the politicians are telling you to do. That’s really the thing that’s going to give power back to the people is for them to actually learn to do things on their own. To start doing alternative systems and to just get away from having to rely on the existing government paradigm.”

Signing off from an openly biased report I’m Neema Vedadi for the Freedom Feens.